The comeback of the century...
Police arrested Malcolm Davidson, a 27 year old white male, resident of Wimbledon, in a pumpkin patch at 11.38pm, Friday. Davidson will be
charged with lewd and lascivious behaviour, public indecency, and public intoxication at the County Courthouse on Monday.
The suspect allegedly stated, as he was passing a pumpkin patch he decided
to stop. "You know, a pumpkin is soft and squishy inside, and there was
no-one around here for miles. At least I thought there wasn't" he stated in a phone interview from the County Courthouse Jail.
Davidson went on to state he pulled over to the side of the road, picked out
a pumpkin he felt was appropriate to his purposes, cut a hole in it,
and proceeded to satisfy his alleged 'need'.
"I guess I was just really into it, you know?" he commented with evident embarrassment. In the process, Davidson apparently failed to notice the Wimbledon Municipal police car approaching and was unaware of his
audience until officer Brenda Taylor approached him.
"It was an unusual situation, that's for sure." said officer Taylor.
"I walked up to (Davidson) and he's... just working away at this pumpkin."
Taylor went on to describe what happened when she approached Davidson.
"I just went up and said, "Excuse me sir, but do you realise you are screwing a pumpkin?"
He got real surprised as you'd expect and then looked me straight in the face and said, "A pumpkin? Damn... is it midnight
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